We don`t search for your ideal
candidate in the job adverts:
We find your candidate personally.
Since 2008 finding the right candidates for our clients has been our highest priority. The key to convincing others is to know the field.
Guido Engler
former CFO/CEO for international multinational corporations and medium-sized enterprises – in logistic services, in food industry, chemical industry, traffic engineering and engineering services.
Studying Business Administration with a master degree as “Diplom-Kaufmann”. Many years of experiences as managing director, in sales & marketing, finance & accounting as well as in controlling, logistics and human resources. Based on this we are able to combine our knowledge when putting into practice our ideas about personal recruitment, career coaching, out- / newplacement as well as management diagnostics.
Studying Business Administration with a master degree as “Diplom-Kaufmann”. Many years of experiences as managing director, in sales & marketing, finance & accounting as well as in controlling, logistics and human resources. Based on this we are able to combine our knowledge when putting into practice our ideas about personal recruitment, career coaching, out- / newplacement as well as management diagnostics.